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OcularIT… provides full-spectrum AI/ML services, from consultation to development and integration. We help organizations build enterprise-grade AI systems leveraging our experience in converging the power of business analytics, data science, and Engineering.

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Automate & Improve

Data Science Consulting

We help organizations reduce customer attrition through timely corrective service, formulate emerging business strategies, generate leads, and open up new avenues for organizational growth with the help of Data Science.

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Data Engineering Services

We provide customized data engineering services to integrate internal & external data sources and deliver predictive insights that result in organizational efficiencies and growth.

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If you’re looking for a big data consultancy or a reliable technology partner to create innovative, market-leading solutions, we are here to help!

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Data Analytics

OcularIT helps organizations gain predictive insights that enhance customer service, identify emerging business strategies, generate leads, and open up new avenues for organizational growth.

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Machine learning for Finance

Using the classification Machine Learning model and self-service BI OcularIT can help organizations in the areas of improper payments, invoice to payments reconciliation and fraud detection.

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“We can engage in any phase of your project. It doesn’t matter if you have an idea in its infancy and need help getting it to grow, or you have a working product that needs fine-tuning. We can help. We will do our research, evaluate the solutions, crunch the data, analyze the product design and code, and get to work.”

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Natural Language Processing

From personalized search results to chatbots and virtual assistants, OcularIT’s Natural Language Processing services help organizations identify customer’s intent through all communication channels.

“By integrating them into your app or infrastructure, you enable automated data collection and analysis of unstructured data. Detect and extract topics, analyze sentiments, and then alter your business plan.”

“Looking for ways to get to know your audience better and see eye to eye with them? Our NLP API mines text data from social media channels for actionable insights. Learn who your target audience is – their age, gender, location, nationality, language, and interests. Monitor your social media brand awareness and reputation. Work on your brand’s weaknesses to get it on top of your industry.”

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Business Intelligence

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What Our Customers Have To Say!

Know what our esteemed clients/customers have to say about us in the area of POS management, systems, software, & customized tools.
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``Contact us to start building a data culture``

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us (002) 0100456789

If your business is looking to partner with a local IT support company that will learn the intimate details of your business technology and process.while also having the experience to manage.

  • Provided by experts to help challenge activities

  • Complemented with peer perspectives and advice

  • More than 450,000 client’s interactions

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